Owner: Matteo Eula e Gabriele Mauro
Hut number: (+39) 0174 086157
Owner mobile available only on closing period: (+39) 3339117975
Email: –
Information and reservation
For your reservation at Don Barbera write to: or phone to:
- (+39) 0174 086157 (during opening period)
- (+39) 3339117975 (during closing period)
telling us your name, a way to contact you (email, telephone, mobile phone), specifying how many people consists your group and the date on which you intend to stay to Rifugio Don Barbera.
In addition we ask you to tell us where you come from (eg: place of departure, another shelter, trail path, …), this for your own safety, in case there is any unexpected event (even just a minor delay) we can easily manage the situation and activate the appropriate resources.
- The bag sheet is required and necessary for your health, the other guests and for saving water and energy resources.
- Because the refuge is in a karst area, in times of drought the water flow daily may be extremely low. The possibility to use the showers is therefore subject to other needs (such as providing a water bottle to every person who needs it …) and therefore not to be considered as included in the basic offer retirement at the shelter.
- For groups over 10 people ask for a deposit of 10.00 € per person.